- General Terms and Conditions - the latest issue is available for download.
- KHK ZK – The Zlin Regional Chamber of Commerce - represents and protects the interests of business entities in the Zlín Region and contributes to the development of their entrepreneurial activities through professional services. Certificate
- PLASTR – Plastics Cluster - an interest association of legal entities in order to create a communication forum for their members - plastic processors.
- AutoSAP – Automotive Industry Association – Voluntary grouping of independent companies to promote common interests, intentions and goals in the automotive industry.
- UTB Zlín – Tomas Bata University in Zlín – long-term cooperation agreement in the field of research, education and publicity, since 2008.
- STU Bratislava – Slovak Technical Universit in Bratislave - long-term cooperation agreement in the field of research, development and other areas, since 2008.
- Compuplast – long-term R&D cooperation agreement, since 2008.
- The Hope, civic association
- Charita sv. Anežky Otrokovice.
- The civic association of parents and friends of Polytechnic College Zlín.
- PAHOP, Zdravotní ústav paliativní a hospicové péče, z.ú.
- Nadace Most k domovu
- MORAVIAMAN TEAM, z.s. - KNTB neonatology department
- The Pikes of the Czech Business - 1st place in Zlín region in 2013 (2nd place in 2012).
- Enterprise of the Year in the Automotive Industry – awarded in 2013 in the category of companies up to 250 employees